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Nasal allergy

Nasal allergies and their symptoms are a result of an allergic response to air borne allergens, due to specific antigen-antibody reaction on the nasal mucosa. 
May be seasonal or perennial, depending on the individual’s response to the offending allergen. Perennial allergic rhinitis occurs year-around, and is often caused by indoor allergens such as dust and animal dander.
Common symptoms are:
Nasal stuffiness or congestion
 Itchy/runny nose, sneezing
 Nasal polyps and swelling of nasal mucous membrane
 Other allergic symptoms include itchy ears and throat, red/watery eyes, chronic 
  cough, fatigue, fever and headaches. 
 Chronic rhinitis can lead to Post-nasal drip, leading to sore throat 


A great way to get rid of this kind of allergy is to use homeopathic medicines. Although I would not recommend self medication but a brief knowledge about how homeopathy and which medicines work will help you in getting yourself treated from your Homeopath. In allergies, it is our body?s own defense system that starts to overreact to substances like pollen, dust particles, fumes etc which are otherwise harmless to the body. The reaction between the defense cells and the substances like pollen leads to the production of a chemical called as histamine which is responsible for the production of the symptoms that are produced in allergy. Homeopathic medicines work by inducing a similar reaction in the body at a very low grade; this leads to a gradual desensitization of the defense system .Many homeopathic medicines used in this process are made from substances or plants that are known to produce such allergies. Most common example is of plant called Ragweed, which is the very common culprit in allergic rhinitis. Homeopathic medicine Ambrosia is made from this plant and is a top grade homeopathic medicine used for treating respiratory allergy. Other Homeopathic medicines that are very useful in treating autumn allergy are Aralea Racemosa, Allium Cepa, Sabadilla, Histaminum, Galphimia Glauca and Natrum Mur.

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