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Chest congestion.Homeopathic Treatment

                                    Chest congestion.

Chest congestion is the accumulation of excess fluid and mucus in the lungs. A person suffering from chest congestion may experience cough, chest pains and difficulty breathing. Severe chest congestion is audible and can be heard as a crackling in the chest. Chest congestion can be caused by post-nasal drip, bronchitis or pneumonia. Treatment may require prescription drugs,
Chest congestion is not only uncomfortable and unpleasant, but can cause hazardous health issues like bronchitis or pneumonia if not cleared up. It is wise to do all you can do to relieve and clear up congestion before it worsens

Causes Chest Congestion
Chest congestion may be caused by a viral illness, such as a cold or flu, or may be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as bronchitis, asthma or pneumonia. Chronic chest congestion requires medical evaluation, but most cases of chest congestion are temporary and can be treated at home

Chest congestion is a symptom of illnesses and chronic infections that causes too much mucus to build up in your lungs and makes breathing painful and difficult. The causes of chest congestion include viral, bacterial and fungal infections of your upper respiratory system, some of which are common and others that are rare in otherwise healthy people. Consider this information from the Mayo Clinic and Centers for Disease
Control about what causes chest congestion
Homeopathic Treatment 

Kali Bichromicum
Homeopathic medicine, based on the principle that "like cures like," attempts to stimulate the body's healing response by giving infinitesimal amounts of a substance that -- in larger doses -- would cause the same symptoms in a healthy person. Beneforce notes that kali bichromicum is produced from potassium dichromate, a poisonous oxidizing agent. However, the extreme dilutions of homeopathic preparation render the substance harmless. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that homeopathic doctors use kali bichromicum to treat sinus congestion. Blue Shield Complementary and Alternative Health says it may also be used for the chest congestion and cough of bronchitis, particularly when coughing causes pain behind the breastbone. A homeopath is even more likely to prescribe kali bichromicum if symptoms are worse in the cold and early in the morning, but improve with warmth.

Natrum Muriaticum
Natrum muriaticum is made from sodium chloride, or rock salt. If you have nasal or sinus congestion accompanied by a runny nose, or "watery" chest congestion, it is very likely that your homeopath will prescribe natrum muriaticum. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that natrum muriaticum may also be prescribed for congestion caused by allergies. Homeopaths take personality traits into account when suggesting remedies. Beneforce notes that the personality type best suited to the natrum remedy is sensitive, inhibited, depressed and moody. If symptoms are worsened by hot sun, stuffy rooms and emotional stress, but improve with fresh air, fasting and sweating, this is another indication that natrum muriaticum is the correct remedy. Ask your doctor before using the natrum remedy for congestion.

Bryonia Alba
Bryonia alba, also called bryony, is made from the wild hops plant, a perennial vine. According to Beneforce, the root, which is ordinarily extremely toxic, is the plant part used in preparation; homeopaths believe it must be harvested before the vine flowers. Bryonia, a common homeopathic remedy for congestion, is considered most appropriate for people who tend towards irritability and perfectionism, and who become demanding and critical when ill. If symptoms are aggravated by movement, cold and dampness, but relieved by warmth and rest, this is another indication for bryonia. Check with your physician before taking bryonia to relieve congestion.

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