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Intestinal Worms??Homeopathic Treatment

                       Intestinal Worms??Homeopathic Treatment

The digestive system of a human being plays host to various worms. Such worms feed on the food that passes through the digestive tract. Some worms are of benefit to the digestive process, whereas there are some harmful ones. The common symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhea, bad breath, abdominal cramps, fevers, anemia, etc. Different worms can cause different symptoms. Threadworms can cause severe itching in the rectum while round worms can cause weight loss and inflammation of the intestine
Intestinal parasites are parasites that populate the gastro-intestinal tract in humans and other animals.[1] They can live throughout the body, but most prefer the intestinal wall. Means of exposure include: ingestion of undercooked meat, drinking infected water, and skin absorption. A parasite is an organism that feeds off another organism, called a host.

The major groups of parasites include protozoans (organisms having only one cell) and parasitic worms (helminths). Of these, protozoans, including cryptosporidium, microsporidia, and isospora, are most common in HIV-infected persons. Each of these parasites can infect the digestive tract, and sometimes two or more can cause infection at the same time.


A list of common symptoms:[2]
Abdominal pain
B-12 deficiency
Rectal hemorrhage
Central nervous system impairment
Chest pain
Chronic fatigue
Digestive disturbance
Enlargement of various organs
Joint Pain
Weight loss due to malnutrition
Swelling of facial features
Skin ulcers
Rectal prolaspe
Mental problems
Lung congestion
Memory loss
Night sweats
Muscle spasms
Hair loss or thinning
In some people, intestinal worms do not cause any symptoms, or the symptoms may come and go. If you have some of these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you are infected. These symptoms may also indicate to other diseases. Common signs and complaints include coughing, cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. Some parasites also cause low red blood cell count (anemia), and some travel from the lungs to the intestine, or from the intestine to the lungs and other parts of the body. Many other conditions can result in these symptoms, so laboratory tests are necessary to determine their cause.
In children, irritability and restlessness are commonly reported by parents.
Intestinal parasite infections can occur in people of any age, and babies, the elderly and pregnant women are at a higher risk of becoming ill when infected. Intestinal parasites can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, anemia and bleeding, and intestinal parasite infection in babies may be life threatening
Contact with animals, including their waste can be a source of intestinal parasites, according to the Mayo Clinic. Petting zoos and pet shops may have animals including reptiles, fish and rodents that are infected with intestinal parasites, which can infect humans who pet or handle them. Allowing household pets to go outdoors can result in them coming into contact with other animals infected with parasites, and the pets can bring the parasites into the home to infect their owners.

According to the Mayo Clinic, contaminated food and drinks can be a source of intestinal parasites. Food that is undercooked or eaten raw can contain worms, eggs or cysts that develop into parasites such as worms and washing foods with contaminated water can expose them to uncontaminated food. People who prepare food without washing their hands may contaminate food with fecal matter containing parasites.

Physical Contact
Direct physical contact with intestinal parasites can result in infections, according to the Mayo Clinic. Babies and toddlers with parasites may expel them into their stool, which can contaminate diaper changing areas and infect others. Touching soiled clothing that have parasites on them can also result in infection.

Sexual Contact
Certain types of sexual contact may result in infection with intestinal parasites, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Anal intercourse can allow parasites such as giardia to spread between people. Oral sex or vaginal sex that follows anal intercourse can also allow for the spread of intestinal parasites.

Exposure to soil that is contaminated with the eggs, cysts or adult intestinal parasites can be a cause of infection, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Soil that is fertilized with human or animal waste may contain parasites such as hookworms, which can enter the body through the skin and infect the intestines. Walking on soil with bare feet can result in small cuts or abrasions that can allow parasite eggs or cysts to enter the body and cause intestinal infections.

Water contaminated with sewage including human or animal feces is a cause of intestinal parasites, according to the National Library of Medicine. Swimming in a creek, river or lake may cause infections with intestinal parasites such as giardia or schistosoma. Walking through mud or puddles without proper footwear can also allow worms to enter the body through the skin which then infect the intestines.

Homeopathic Treatment

Produces a perfect picture of the wormy child. The patient is cross, irritable, has a sickly pale face with rings about the eyes, grates the teeth at night and has a tendency to convulsions; there is canine hunger or variable appetite; the child picks at its nose and cries out in its sleep; there is jerking of the hands and feet and a milky urine. It does not correspond well to pin-worms and a noticeable symptoms is a bluish color about the mouth.

The alkaloid of Cina is also a remedy for round worms. It is not a safe remedy as Cina and no more efficacious. The writer has observed convulsions produced by its use in too low potencies.

Useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in little girls, with tendency to excite masturbation.

The remedy for ascarides or pin-worms; there is much irritation caused by them in the rectum. Hughes prefers the tincture or lower dilutions, saying that it rarely fails in this condition. Another remedy for pin-worms is Sinapis nigra.

Cina and Cicuta are often indicated in convulsions from worms.

Strabismus, jerking with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, faint, nauseated feeling with colic about the navel caused by the presence of worms, will indicate Spigelia. It has stools consisting of mucus, faces and worms. The tincture on a handkerchief and inhaled will frequently arrest convulsions from worms.

Is useful where the child is much excited and has tickling and creeping at the anus.

Is a remedy for ascarides or thread-worms in melancholy children, with intense pain in the umbilical region, also convulsions from worms.

Has worm symptoms with nausea, vomiting and colic.

According to Hahnemann, Stannum so stupefies the worms that they are easily dislodged by purgatives. It has many worms symptoms; thus pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings, Sluggish disposition, general torpor, foetor of breath and passive fever. Patient prefers to lie on stomach.

Calcarea is a valuable remedy to eradicate the disposition to worms.

Cuprum oxydatum nigrum
Zopfy in his sixty years' practice asserts that this remedy will remove all kinds of worms, cure trichinosis, and even tapeworm. He gives it in small doses, about the 1X, in alternation with Nux vomica four or five times a day for four to six weeks, which always suffices to cure tapeworm without causing the patient any in convenience whatever.

High blood pressure (HBP) ???Homeopathic Treatment

                                          High blood pressure (HBP)                      

High blood pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease (also called coronary artery disease), heart failure, stroke, 
kidney failure, and other health problems.
"Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.

Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Blood pressure involves two measurements, systolic and diastolic, which depend on whether the heart muscle is contracting (systole) or relaxed between beats (diastole). Normal blood pressure at rest is within the range of 100-140mmHg systolic (top reading) and 60-90mmHg diastolic (bottom reading). High blood pressure is said to be present if it is persistently at or above 140/90 mmHg.
Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension; about 90–95% of cases are categorized as "primary hypertension" which means high blood pressure with no obvious underlying medical cause.[1] The remaining 5–10% of cases (secondary hypertension) are caused by other conditions that affect the kidneys, arteries, heart or endocrine system.
Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attacks), heart failure, aneurysms of the arteries (e.g. aortic aneurysm), peripheral arterial disease and is a cause of chronic kidney disease. Even moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure is associated with a shortened life expectancy. Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of associated health complications, although drug treatment is often necessary in people for whom lifestyle changes prove ineffective or insufficient.
Your blood pressure reading uses these two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures. Usually they are written one above or before the other. A reading of

120/80 or lower is normal blood pressure
140/90 or higher is high blood pressure
Between 120 and 139 for the top number, or between 80 and 89 for the bottom number is prehypertension
Signs and symptoms
Hypertension is rarely accompanied by any symptoms, and its identification is usually through screening, or when seeking healthcare for an unrelated problem. A proportion of people with high blood pressure reports headaches (particularly at the back of the head and in the morning), as well as lightheadedness, vertigo, tinnitus (buzzing or hissing in the ears), altered vision or fainting episodes.
On physical examination, hypertension may be suspected on the basis of the presence of hypertensive retinopathy detected by examination of the optic fundus found in the back of the eye using ophthalmoscopy.Classically, the severity of the hypertensive retinopathy changes is graded from grade I–IV, although the milder types may be difficult to distinguish from each other. Ophthalmoscopy findings may also indicate how long a person has been hypertensive.

causes high blood pressure
Two forms of high blood pressure have been described -- essential (or primary) hypertension and secondary hypertension. Essential hypertension is a far more common condition and accounts for 95% of hypertension. The cause of essential hypertension is multifactorial, that is, there are several factors whose combined effects produce hypertension. In secondary hypertension, which accounts for 5% of hypertension, the high blood pressure is secondary to (caused by) a specific abnormality in one of the organs or systems of the body. (Secondary hypertension is discussed further in a separate section later.)

Essential hypertension affects approximately 72 million Americans, yet its basic causes or underlying defects are not always known. Nevertheless, certain associations have been recognized in people with essential hypertension. For example, essential hypertension develops only in groups or societies that have a fairly high intake of salt, exceeding 5.8 grams daily. Salt intake may be a particularly important factor in relation to essential hypertension in several situations, and excess salt may be involved in the hypertension that is associated with advancing age, African American background, obesity, hereditary (genetic) susceptibility, and kidney failure (renal insufficiency). The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommends healthy 19 to 50-year-old adults consume only 3.8 grams of salt to replace the average amount lost daily through perspiration and to achieve a diet that provides sufficient amounts of other essential nutrients.

Genetic factors are thought to play a prominent role in the development of essential hypertension. However, the genes for hypertension have not yet been identified. (Genes are tiny portions of chromosomes that produce the proteins that determine the characteristics of individuals.) The current research in this area is focused on the genetic factors that affect the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This system helps to regulate blood pressure by controlling salt balance and the tone (state of elasticity) of the arteries.

Approximately 30% of cases of essential hypertension are attributable to genetic factors. For example, in the United States, the incidence of high blood pressure is greater among African Americans than among Caucasians or Asians. Also, in individuals who have one or two parents with hypertension, high blood pressure is twice as common as in the general population. Rarely, certain unusual genetic disorders affecting the hormones of the adrenal glands may lead to hypertension. (These identified genetic disorders are considered secondary hypertension.)

The vast majority of patients with essential hypertension have in common a particular abnormality of the arteries: an increased resistance (stiffness or lack of elasticity) in the tiny arteries that are most distant from the heart (peripheral arteries or arterioles). The arterioles supply oxygen-containing blood and nutrients to all of the tissues of the body. The arterioles are connected by capillaries in the tissues to the veins (the venous system), which returns the blood to the heart and lungs. Just what makes the peripheral arteries become stiff is not known. Yet, this increased peripheral arteriolar stiffness is present in those individuals whose essential hypertension is associated with genetic factors, obesity, lack of exercise, overuse of salt, and aging. Inflammation also may play a role in hypertension since a predictor of the development of hypertension is the presence of an elevated C reactive protein level (a blood test marker of inflammation) in some individuals.

Argentum nitricum: If blood pressure rises with anxiety and nervousness, this remedy may be indicated. “Stage fright” or anticipation of a stressful event can bring on dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and a pounding pulse. People who need this remedy are typically warm-blooded, imaginative, impulsive, claustrophobic, and have strong cravings for sweets and salt.

Aurum metallicum: This remedy is sometimes indicated for serious people, focused on career and accomplishment, with blood pressure problems related to stress. Worry, depression, or anger may occur, especially when these people feel they have made a mistake or failed in some way. A general tendency to feel worse at night, and a strong desire for alcohol, sweets, bread, and pastries are other indications for Aurum.

Belladonna: This remedy is indicated when symptoms come on suddenly, with great intensity and heat. The person’s face is flushed, with dilated pupils, and pulsations and throbbing may be felt in various parts of the body. Despite the general heat, the person’s hands and feet may be cold. Vertigo and pounding headaches, worse from jarring and worse from light, may also occur.

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is often helpful to people with high blood pressure who easily tire and have poor stamina. They are typically responsible types, who feel overwhelmed when ill and fear a breakdown. Palpitations and breathing problems can be worse from walking up a slope or stairs, and also when lying down. A general chilliness with clammy hands and feet (the feet may heat up in bed at night) and sweat on the head during sleep are other indications. The person may have cravings for sweets and eggs, and tend toward weight problems.

Glonoinum: A flushed face with a pounding headache and visible throbbing in the blood vessels of the neck may indicate a need for this remedy. The chest can feel congested or hot, with a pounding or irregular heartbeat. The person is worse from moving around, after heat and sun exposure, and after drinking alcohol. A feeling of “being lost in a familiar place” is a strong indication for this remedy.

Lachesis: A person who needs this remedy typically is intense and talkative, with inner passion and agitation that need an outlet—a “pressure-cooker.” The person may have a strong fear of disease, and feelings of suspicion, revenge, or jealousy are common. The person may also have heart or artery problems, look flushed or purplish, and feel constriction in the chest, with pulsations in many areas. Feeling worse after taking a nap or on waking in the morning, and a strong intolerance of clothing around the neck (or any kind of restriction) are other indications for Lachesis.

Natrum muriaticum: A person who needs this remedy seems reserved and responsible, but may have very strong feelings (of grief, disappointment, anger, lingering grudges, a fear of misfortune) inside. Headaches and palpitations are common, as well as a feeling of tension (even coldness) in the chest. The person feels worse from being in the sun, worse around mid-morning, and better from being alone in a quiet place. A craving for salt and strong thirst can help to confirm the choice of this remedy.

Nux vomica: A person who needs this remedy is usually impatient and driven—easily frustrated, angered, and offended. A strong desire for coffee and other stimulants, sweets, strong foods, and alcohol or drugs may aggravate blood pressure problems. Palpitations, constricting feelings in the chest, constipation, and hemorrhoids are often seen. The person is typically sensitive to light, noise, odors, and interference.

Phosphorus: A person who needs this remedy usually is sensitive, suggestible, and sympathetic, with a tendency toward weakness, dizziness, a “spaced-out” feeling, and fearfulness. Nosebleeds, facial flushing, palpitations, and a feeling of heaviness or pain in the chest, and left-sided problems are often seen. A strong desire for cold drinks and refreshing things, and a marked improvement after eating and sleeping are other indications for Phosphorus.

Plumbum: This remedy is indicated for people with degenerative problems of the nerves and hardening of the arteries. Chest tightness and palpitations are often worse when lying on the left side. Contractures, paralysis, and nerve or muscle problems are also likely. The person may have a history of heavy drinking and “high living”—becoming apathetic or depressed when physical debility and memory problems develop.

Sanguinaria: A feeling that blood is rushing to the head, with flushed red cheeks and pulsing in the neck, may indicate this remedy. The person may have headaches or migraines (usually on the right and worse from light and noise). Right-sided neck and shoulder problems, allergies, heartburn, and digestive problems are often seen, and burning pains are typical. Symptoms are worse from motion, and relief may come from being in the dark and sleeping. A craving for spicy food, and a tendency to feel worse from eating sweets are other indications for Sanguinaria.

Frequent Urination ??homeopathic treatment

                                                               Frequent Urination 

Most people typically urinate four to eight times a day. Needing to go more than eight times a day or waking up in the night to go to the bathroom more than once in the night is considered frequent urination. Though the bladder can often hold as much as 600 ml of urine (about 2 ½ cups), the urge to urinate is usually felt when the bladder contains about 150 ml of urine (just over ½ cup).

There are two different ways to look at frequent urination: either as an increase in total volume of urine produced (polyuria) or a dysfunction in the storage and emptying of urine.

Frequent Urination Causes

Urinary tract infection: The lining of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body) and bladder becomes inflamed and irritated due to byproducts of an infection (blood, white blood cells, bacteria). This irritation of the bladder wall causes the urge to empty the bladder frequently (called frequency).

Diabetes: An early symptom of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be frequent urination, as the body tries to rid itself of unused glucose (blood sugar) through the urine. Diabetes can also damage the nerves that control the bladder, causing frequent urination and difficulty controlling your bladder

Diuretic use: Medications used to treat high blood pressure or fluid buildup work in the kidney and flush excess fluid from the body, causing frequent urination.

Prostate problems: An enlarged prostate can press against the urethra and block the flow of urine, causing the bladder wall to become irritated. The bladder contracts even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing more frequent urination. Brachytherapy (sealed source radiotherapy, or "seed treatment" for prostate cancer) can cause frequent urination in about one-third of patients.

Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and the growing uterus placing pressure on the bladder cause frequent urination, even in the early weeks of gestation. The trauma from vaginal childbirth can also cause damage to the urethra.

Interstitial cystitis: This condition is characterized by pain in the bladder and pelvic region, often leading to frequent urination.

Stroke or other neurological diseases: Damage to nerves that supply the bladder can lead to problems with bladder function, including frequent and sudden urges to urinate.

Bladder cancer: Tumors taking up space or causing bleeding in the bladder may lead to more frequent urination.

Overactive bladder syndrome: Often frequent urination is itself the problem. Involuntary bladder contractions lead to frequent and often urgent urination, even if the bladder is not full.

Drinking too much: Ingesting more fluids than your body needs can cause the body to urinate more often.

Artificial sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine and other foods: Alcohol and caffeine can act as diuretics, which can cause more frequent urination. Carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners (such as Splenda or Equal), and citrus fruits are known to irritate the bladder, causing more frequent urination

Frequent Urination Symptoms

Even though there are numerous causes for frequent urination, the symptoms are generally the same. Below are some terms that are used to describe symptoms that may accompany frequent urination.

Frequency: urinating more than eight times during the day or more than once overnight

Hesitancy: incomplete evacuation of the bladder during each episode of urination. There may be a sudden stoppage of the urine flow due to spasms in the bladder or urethra or there may be difficulty starting the flow of urine.

Urgency: the uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the bladder that makes you feel you have to go "right now"

Urinary incontinence: the inability to control the flow of urine, leading to either constant or intermittent accidental leakage

Dysuria: pain or burning sensation during or immediately following urination. This may be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

Hematuria: Blood in the urine can be small amounts, clots, or very bloody. This will usually cause the urine to appear darker in color.

Nocturia: This is having to wake up to urinate. It can also be associated with nighttime urinary incontinence. (In children, this includes wetting the bed.)

Pollakiuria: frequent daytime urination

Dribbling: After finishing urination, urine continues to drip or dribble out.

Straining: having to squeeze or bear down to initiate the urine stream


1 Aconite Sudden chest congestion due to dry cold winds, restlessness, great thirst for cold drinks; tremendous fear/panic
2 Ant-crud. Milky white tongue
3 Allium Cepa Eyes and nose water profusely; sneezing
4 Alumina Strains with soft stool, tired and weak
5 Apis Oedema, scanty urine, feels hot
6 Arg-Nit. Opthalmia, fluttering stools, loud eructations, ailments from too much chocolate, sweets, candy
7 Arnica        Soreness, fatigue, effects of injury, blunt trauma
8 Arsenicum Aggravation 1 a.m., extremely weak, anxious and restless; food poisoning/diarrhea
9 Belladona          Head hot, painful, sudden onset of complaints, high fever
10 Bryonia         The slightest movement aggravates
11 Carbo Veg Flatulence and burping which relieves; weak, better draft of air though chilly
12 China           Weak. Flatulence, bloating and burping which does not relieve. Worse draft of air.
13 Cuprum Met  Spasms. General amelioration from cold drinks
14 Cantharis         Frequent burning urination
15 Cina                Grits teeth, bores fingers into nose
16 Cactus         Feeling of constriction
17 Calcarea Carb Impaired nutrition, irregular bone development
18 Calc-fluor. Glands hard, varicose veins, hard bony growths
19 Causticum         Local paralysis
20 Chamomilla Stormy temper, irritable
21 Chelidonium Jaundice
22 Cicuta Virosa Convulsions
23 Cimicifuga           Painful menses
24 Colocynth             Crampy pains, person bends double from cramps; Sciatica, usually right sided, better lying on the painful side
25 Digitalis          Pulse very slow
26 Drosera        Whooping cough
27 Dulcamara Nettle rash, diarrhea, eye inflameld by damp cold, ailments from cold, damp weather
28 Glonoine         Head, neck throbs, sunstroke/heatstroke
29 Gelsemium Ptosis, profuse urination which ameliorates, weakness, apathetic to his condition
30 Graphites        Sticky, honey-like oozing from eruptions, cracks in skin, constipation
31 Hepar Sulph Inflamed part extremely sensitive to touch
32 Hypericum Nerve centres crushed or affected
33 Ipecac         Nausea
34 Iris V.         Acidity, vomiting and headache
35 Iodium        Glands (except breast) swell
36 Ignatia      Changeable moods, effects of grief
37 Kali Carb       Aggravation 3 a.m.
38 Merc Cor         Tenesmus (constant urging)
39 Mag. Phos Cramping pains – amelioration from heat
40 Nitric Acid Mouth blisters, anal fissures
41 Nux Vomica Frequent urge for stool-urination
42 Opium            Constipation with no urge
43 Phosphoric Acid Nervous debility, diarrhea
44 Podophyllum     Diarrhea-dentition
45 Rhus Tox            Restlessness-muscular pains
46 Silicea           Defective assimilation
47 Staphysagria Styes, frequent urination, throws things when angry, trembles from anger, cystitis after sex.
48 Sulphur Burning in patches, standing is uncomfortable
49 Thuja Warts
50 Veratrum Alb Colic, vomiting, loose stools, cold sweat on forehea

Ear Infection ???Homeopathic Treatment

                                                                      Ear Infection 

 EarInfection can affect the ear canal (otitis externa), the eardrum, or the middle ear (otitis media). Most ear injuries are caused by pressure changes during direct injury (such as a blow to the ear) or sport scuba diving, but, a persistently painful ear may signal an infection that requires treatment. Because an ear scope (otoscope) may not be available to examine the canal and inner ear in remote locations,
 Middle ear infections are one of the most common childhood problems. Let's start by talking about infections. An infection (say: in-fek-shun) happens when germs like bacteria and viruses get inside the body and cause trouble. Germs can get into your ears. The ear is divided into three parts: outer, middle, and inner. When the germs bother your outer ear, it's called swimmer's ear.

The middle ear is a small pocket of air behind the eardrum. You have a middle ear infection when germs get into the middle ear and the area fills up with fluid (or pus), which contains germ-fighting cells. When the pus builds up, your ear starts to feel like a balloon that is ready to pop, which can really hurt.
Ear Infection Symptoms

Symptoms of ear infection include:

ear pain,

fullness in the ear,

hearing loss,


discharge from the ear,


vomiting , and


Symptoms may follow a respiratory infection such as the common cold.

Discharge from the ear canal is often caused by the infection known as swimmer's ear (otitis externa). A painful ear with decreased hearing is often the result of otitis media, an middle ear infection.

Homeopathic Treatment

Aconitum napellus: This remedy is indicated if an earache comes on suddenly with cutting, throbbing pain—often after exposure to cold and wind, or after a shaking experience. The person usually is fearful, agitated, and restless. Fever may be high and thirst is strong. Symptoms are often worse near midnight, and can even wake the person up.

Belladonna: Intense bouts of earache that come and go very suddenly, with heat and inflammation, suggest a need for this remedy. Pain can be pounding or throbbing, and may be worse from jarring. The person usually has a fever, a flushed red face, eyes that are sensitive to light, and skin that is hot to touch. The right ear is most often affected. A child needing Belladonna may feel drowsy with the fever, or be restless and have nightmares.

Chamomilla: Paroxysms of pain that seem intolerable suggest a need for this remedy. Children may seem angry and beside themselves, and often scream and hit. They may feel better from being carried constantly and vigorously walked around or rocked. Ear pain and other symptoms are worse from heat and wind, and the cheeks (often only one) may be hot and red.

Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy can soothe the ache and inflammation of an ear infection—or even stop it, if given when the symptoms have just begun to show. The person looks pink and flushed, with fever and a feeling of weariness. The outer ear may look warm and pink, and the eardrum can slightly bulge.

Hepar sulphuris :This remedy is indicated when an earache is very painful or infection is advanced (with a bulging eardrum or pus formation). Stabbing, sticking pains “like a splinter being driven in” are a likely indication. The person is very sensitive to everything, especially cold and drafts, and may feel extremely vulnerable and touchy.

Magnesia phosphorica: An earache that feels much better when warmth and pressure are applied suggests a need for this remedy. The pain may be mostly neuralgic, with little evidence of fluid or infection.

Mercurius solubilis: This remedy may be helpful if an ear infection is advanced, with pus formation, shooting pains, and roaring in the ear. A person who needs this remedy is often very sensitive to temperatures (both hot and cold), has swollen lymph nodes, offensive breath, a puffy tongue, and sweat and drooling during sleeping.

Pulsatilla: This remedy is often indicated for ear infections that follow or accompany a cold. (Cold symptoms include a stuffy nose, especially indoors, and large amounts of yellow or greenish mucus.) The ear may be hot and swollen, with a feeling that something is pressing out. Pain can be worse in the evening and at night, as well as worse from heat, with a pulsing sensation. Deep itching may be felt inside, especially if ear infections are chronic. A child needing Pulsatilla usually is sad and tearful, wanting to be held and comforted.

Dry skin???Homeopathic Treatment

                                                                Dry skin
Dry skin is most common in your lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of the abdomen), and thighs. The symptoms most often associated with dry skin include:

Cracks in the skin
       A dry skin problem can be uncomfortable and even maddening. Your skin might feel tight and painful; it might look dull or red or flaky. Worst of all is the itchiness -- the sort of overwhelming itchiness that makes you feel like you're infested with fleas, that keeps you awake at night, miserably raking your skin with a back scratcher.
Common causes:
Xeroderma is a very common condition. It happens more often in the winter where the cold air outside and the hot air inside creates a low relative humidity. This causes the skin to lose moisture and it may crack and peel. Bathing or hand washing too frequently, especially if one is using harsh soaps, may also contribute to xeroderma. Xeroderma can also be caused by a deficiency of vitamin A, vitamin D, systemic illness, severe sunburn, or some medication [2]. Xeroderma can also be caused by choline inhibitors. Detergents like washing powder and washing up liquid can also cause xeroderma.

Dry skin is red, cracked and painful. It can feel tight and uncomfortable. Some people are prone to dry skin; others have this problem due to a dry climate or severe weather changes. Dry skin can also be sensitive and needs to be treated with care. Natural remedies for dry skin are effective and gentle. Natural ingredients are ideal for dry sensitive skin because they do not contain preservatives or other harsh chemicals.
Homeopathic Treatment

Olive Oil
Olive oil can be used as a moisturizer for the entire body and face. Olive oil helps dry skin because it contains oleic acid. This causes the skin to become more permeable and hold in necessary moisture that is lost in cases of dry skin. Pour olive oil into a spray bottle and spritz your towel-dried body and face after taking a shower or bath. If the oil has difficulty spraying, run the bottle under warm water or hang in the shower to steam heat.

Petroleum Jelly and Vitamin E
For extremely dry areas such as the knees, elbows, hands and feet make a mixture of petroleum jelly and vitamin E oil. Petroleum jelly has been used for years to soften dry skin and has no chemicals or irritants whatsoever and vitamin E oil repairs damaged and scaly skin. Pour 1 tbsp. of vitamin E oil into a cup of petroleum jelly. Apply this moisturizer to the hands and feet and cover with white cotton gloves before bed. Rub into elbows and knees after a shower to keep skin soft and smooth.

PETROLEUM: The medicine is made from this ‘CRUDE ROCK OIL’, which has that smell and taste. This is used as a remedy when the skin looks dry, rough and cracked, with sensitivity to even the slightest scratch. Winter fissures, cracks and peeling of skin can be relieved by the dosage of petroleum.

GRAPHITES: This is a mineral which is used as a medicine, effectively useful in skin affections with severe itching due to persistent dryness. Painful cracks and fissures in the ends of fingers, cracks in nipples, mouth and between fingers and toes could be brought to normal health by administration of this homoeo remedy. It is commonly known as ‘Black Lead’, which occurs as a black grey, soft gelatinous solid. This could be used as a preventive, when the skin just appears to crack with an unhealthy look. It also helps to cure dry skin with ulcers that discharge sticky fluid.

SULPHUR: It is the sublimated elemental sulphur, which is converted and used as medicine, in most therapies and practices of medicine. Homoeo also uses this, to relieve skin troubles that look very dirty, unhealthy and extremely dry. Cracks that develop in the lips and corners of the mouth with much dryness can be relieved with this remedy.